Mobile Marketing


CashITapp Mobile Marketing allows to segment users, schedule campaigns, communicate to users, and to analyze clicks, installations and purchases for all you mobile applications, from any device and with any Internet broswer.

Customer Segmentation

CashITapp gathers great granularity due to the flexibility of its SDK, which allows a deep knowledge of the user, a big optimization of the marketing campaigns, and very strong levels of customers engagement. Our Customers Segmentation allows you to filter by the following default fields:

  • User: age and gender
  • Activity: active, spontaneous or inactive user
  • Context: operator, country and language
  • Device: type, hardware and software version
  • Localization: by NFC, QR, GPS or GSM
  • Events: by click, download and acquisition (purchase or subscription)

At the same time, CashITapp platform allows to incorporate customized fields arriving from other systems like Social Networks as Facebook, or from the company database, where additional data can be easily added to segment the user.

Campaigns Scheduling

CashITapp allows the scheduling of campaigns according to the customer segmentation conditions previously described.

When scheduling a campaign, it will be possible to send notifications to all users of the application or to exclusively one single user, being able to target a concrete level of activity, a pre-defined device, a specific context of operator, country and language, a concrete trigger event like the click on a Web button, the reading of a QR code or NFC tag, and the GPS or GSM geoposition. At the same time, campaigns could be limited by date & time frame.

Analytics and Graphics

The Analytics and Graphics interface allows to see the reaction of users to web promotions, installation of applications, and their mobile purchases or subscriptions.

This lets Marketing Departments diagnose where the users leave the process, whether it is in the reaction to the campaign, in the installation of the application or in the purchasing process, hence to improve their marketing strategies in a more efficient manner.

On each of these interfaces, it will be possible to filter users, installations and purchases by all the fields described above, so it will be possible to analyze the behaviour of one single user, of a group of users, or of all the users of the application.

Communication to Users

The Communication to Users interface allows to any department of the company sending Simple, Rich, Multimedia and Invitation-to-Call Notifications to all users of a specific mobile application, or to users with a specific mobile operating system.

At the same time, these notifications can be sent as an interstitial of the application so the user receives it without leaving the application, or as an external address, so the native browser of the device or the Youtube application it is launched.

This web interface runs on every device and browser and it is designed for non-technical departments so anyone can send Notifications without depending of IT departments.

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